Other Lab Activites

Although students partake in rigorous research, our lab group also participates in many out-of-lab activities, both for enrichment and for fun.

Journal Discussion

Approximatley once a week, all of Dr. Lackmann’s students meet to discuss their ongoing work and research endeavors. They have the opportunity to share a scientific journal that is aligned with their research projects and explain the connections between the published article and their own work. This can be very beneficial as students can not only improve their comprehension of the articles and their work but also receive constructive feedback on their projects and ideas, nurturing academic growth and innovation.

Fun Activities

About once a month, Dr. Lackmann and his students engage in a fun, out-of-lab activity. Some include going to different NCSU sports games, curling, disc golf, dinner, and much more! These are great times to get to know other students working on similar ideas and projects as well as have a little fun. Students have also had the opportunity to meet different meteorologists, both in the private and public sectors, for lunch or other activities.